Saturday, July 28, 2012

a Friday & Saturday

Michigan Indian Family Olympics

I would miss the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, one of my favorite part of the Olympics because it is where all the Vets dance in all the different tribal nations flags. Instead I was trying to get up for the big day, I had Nightmares because of a deadly scary short film my buddy Arlan showed me, called "Tell" by Ryan Connelly. ( (FYI vary scary and messed up) Well lets just say I had a hard time waking up and being on time to that event. When I did get up and around it was about 11ish, I knew I was late, my mama wanted me there to participate. 
   I also had some obligations with our youth group, we had planned to help staff and volunteer for the event. So I would eventually make it out to C.M.U.s Athletic Field, and when I did, I was be asked to go get one of our athletes who was sure to get some gold medals. So I did.
   I had met up Arlan at the archery station to get some footage of our tribal youth participating in the events and winning medals for the Youth Video. (Kids at Play was asked to remake the video in the youth exhibit because it is about ten years old.) We had a little trouble finding some S.C.I.T. Youth that had Won 1st place gold metals, but with time we had found one little guy, and we were able to get the coverage we needed.
   Then I was given the responsibility of making sure all the volunteers had water. I trusted with one of the gators, this was a big thing for me! I was able to drive the gator all around, and guess what! It had a little radio, I was in the know of things... Ha-ha-ha. Later I was even asked to drive the our visiting elders to there buses on the golf cart from waboose run golf course. Then it started to rain, so everybody was asked to move inside for the time being, they said about just an half an hour long. "Sure", yeah right, So in reality, they closed down and everybody went home... said story ha-ha...
   Then it was just me and Arlan. I had called my mom to see what was going on... She was at Lil' Chef, and didn't invite me! but as I knew, all I had to do was ask, and when I did my mom said come and eat! So I did, I got there and they were just getting there food. Then Arlan had ordered a Cheese burger and I had got Lasagna. I had visited with the family and enjoyed my lunch/dinner. Thanks Mom Loved the Food!

Friday Night
At 6:00pm I was enjoying the day. I wanted go see a movie at 7:10, but the guys wanted to go see the Rise of the Dark Night. So Arlan, Allex, Kyle, and Rope and I had watched a good movie. This was my second time I had watched it. It was a long Movie but a story between Good and Evil and corruption. The story of Batman finding himself once again and what it is to be a hero. Just as simple as letting one know it's not the end. Batman could be anybody, it's not what is behind the mask but more of what it represents. Then after, I had stayed at my god brothers, we played Grand Theft Auto IV for the rest of the night.

Saturday (7/28/12)

The day began with me texting Arlan to see when we would start filming the documentary on the Rez Kids. We ended up meeting with them on Remus Rd, then on of the kids had a broken dirt bike, it had a dead battery. I had made a failed attempt of trying to jump it, so like what do on the rez the kids all said they would take turns in sharing for the making of the video. I was proud Anishinabe because when one is in need, the community/family/friends will help out. A way of sharing is in our culture!
   We filmed at the track on Broadway, though a trial, and up at the hill. Conducted interviews through out the day and had a good time while doing it. Except when one the the kids left his helmet in front of my car, damaging my muffler as I ran it over on my way of leaving the track to Sagamok for some snacks
  After a full days of filming we had called it a day, I went home to a houseful of family visiting and celebrations, and FOOD! My mom had made her Delicious Rice. I had made me some Tacos! The day was good. I went and then got some gas money and then found out the reason for my Blazer sounding like a old beater car or like a truck!

I hope to add the short documentary to this blog when it is done. Thanks for reading! NidmodzinSkideegish!
may you live a good life!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

(On July 25th) - Just a regular Wednesday Night  after I published my 1st blog. Later I left in the middle of the night to my God Brothers, trying not to wake up anybody. He asked for a Nero Sleep Drink, wow, that was a mistake. O Yeah Ill get us one to drink. In my mind I knew they cost about 2.49 cents at our Sagamok gas station. So there I am looking for my little bit of Jone-yah ("Shinny"). Looking on my floor I found about a dollar twenty five, "half way there" I'm thinking. So I head downstairs to the coach that eats everything, where I hope I could gain the couple quarters I need. But No, after I stick my hand in between the cracks I chicken out and pulled out! "No" I think that I do not need to go to such extremes to gather a couple quarters. So I try the Laundry room, "Hello" I think, as I walk into the laundry room but no nothing. No Money at all, maybe I should not always take from there when I need gas money. So I almost thought of calling off the search for the Jone-yah, thinking about money and life. The thought of me working one more week before my next work check gets me thinking about my Hip Pack, my little fanny pack for Official Lifeguard Duty work. Hey I might have some change in my hip pack. Long story short I got the rest of my change I needed from my Official Lifeguard Hip Pack. A whole 1.75 was pulled from my emergency lunch funds.

So I get ready to head out to Sagamok in my Red Chevy Blazer. As I head out the side door I can tell the golf cart was moved, my keys were in that golf cart. Yet again I loose my only set of keys, and its raining cats and dogs out, power is about to go out anytime. So I walk toward the frount of the house and there they are in the golf cart. Ha! So I head for my car, that's when it hit me, I left my windows down... Again. All i can hear is my grandma saying "You Blithering Idiot" ah... then I notice I left my overnight bag in my room. Can I do anything right? Well it's that Humility teaching giving me a life lesson... Again. So I get my bag, put in the truck and sit down in the drivers seat. I was expecting a wet car, but hell, the rain must have been blowing sideways, because all off my dash board was covered with water. Not only is it getting my Dii-osh wet. But it smells like wet Dog... Again! So I quietly head out to go get my pricey Nero Drink and head down Broadway for a little sleep over...

(Friday July 26th) Okay where do I start...  a very productive day.

Michigan Youth Councils Meeting
SCIT Youth Meeting
Try and start a revolution with my ideas!

I had woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look and see it's my mom, I don't want to hear the yelling of me not being home, but its to late, I answered the phone. I hear nothing... So I quickly hung up the phone and text my mom, asking her what she needed. She responded that Margie need to be at summer school... I had thought that she didn't need to be there until 10 in the morning. I text my mom telling her I was on my way. She text back "I'm already taking her!" and "Pick her up at 10:15 am... at West" So I did. Then I went back to Kyle's and fell asleep again.

The real work day started out at 2 O'clock in the afternoon . I took a hot shower to wash the usual smell of wet dog off me, and the usual grooming that keeps me looking good!

I left for Tribal Ops, Dustin wasn't there. So I went back into the tribal gym. Seeing some competition, Luckily I was in Sandals and wearing my nice blue jeans, So they didn't get to mess with the god brothers undefeated record in basketball. So I decided to go home and get stuck in You-Tube Land, where I found this lady from Chippewa Hills Public Schools who supports the tribe and its gaming operations because we give back to education. Justifying her spending her good hard earned money at the Soaring Eagle!

So it's about 5:15, so I head over to my Grannys to check on the house. Maybe to get a bite to eat, but all the doors are locked and I couldn't find my key. So, I would wait for later in the day where we eat pizza with our out of town guest. I go and pick up KJ and Arlan and bring them to our Youth Group Meeting at Ziibiwing.

As we Pulled into Ziibiwing Arlan tells us about how he watered the grass, you can tell where it has been watered, also telling us as we walk up the side walk how he took down some weeds in the front of the building. KJ points out that there where stumps left, then it becomes clear that Arlan might have taken down a tree, but he Insists it was a weed that wasn't supposed to be there.

 The meeting went into chaos as we argued about how we should give away 25 free wrist bands for teen night during powwow weekend for the Water-park. Should we have a spot dance at the powwow, or just sign up? Should we give them to the community youth, or should we use them for us? O'well as the night progressed and we still had vary little on what we would talk about with our International guest. We would have all Three Fires Represented, Pokegon Band - Ojibways (Us) - and the Odawa. They were coming down a whole day early for Michigan Indian Family Olympics. Over all after everybody arrived the event was a good turn out, its funny how things come together last minute. We had over 50 youth, at-least from my projections.  We Welcomed them, Invited them to our powwow, I had invited them to the sobriety walk next weekend. Then Smudged, had an tribal elder pray from a different community, took a youth picture, then our elders ate, and finally everybody else. We had played some Ice-breakers, Introduced our self's to each other. Danced and had an awesome time. Late we covered ideas in which we could partner and work together as a team Michigan. I brought up an idea about an International Exchange Worker/Student/Visitor Program where we could grow connections in other community's and learn from each others. Other great Ideas I heard was overnight camping trips, to revival of tribal leagues, sporting events, Sober 49s, and we even shared our about our Positive Parties. I think it was a great experience in getting to know future Michigan tribal leaders.

After that...      (9ish)

Arlan, Kj, and I meet with other youth at Soaring Eagle, they were our SCIT Tribal Youth that were there for a birthday party. They were fans of Kids at Play, they liked our movie Deadwood Zombie. We visited and we came up with a new little video idea that we would shoot this Saturday. We even gave them a little interview in the hotels lobby by the fire...


Well I'm Tired and going to get some sleep for the Olympics tomorrow, or should I say today!
Sorry for misspelled words and grammar.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Its Summer on the Reservation!

(on July 24th) I had Worked from 4-10 . I came home and got out of my cold wet uniform, and went straight to bed as soon as I could. Finding the warmth of my bed and blankets...

(on July 25th) Today the Tribes Parks and Recreation Department had a 3 on 3 Women's Basket Ball Tournament at the Tribal Gym. This would be the main thing on my mind all day long.

In the morning I woke up thinking it was still night time. I looked at my phone and saw it was 8 O'Clock in the A to the M. I thought of the Text the night before saying that I was only going to take a Cat Nap. So, I had slept pass that... "Oops". I then went back to sleep because it is summer time, better sleep while you can! The Next thing I here is my Mom... and she's telling my sister Margie its time to get up for Summer School, and you know what that means (smiley Face)... well as in being born 1st and the man of the house, its my job to get her there! and because I went to bed at a decent time, I was ready to get up. No Problems, No Questions asked.... ( 10 min later...) Knock Knock Knock, well its that time. I got up in and put some Pajamas on and a T-shirt and went out to the car and took my little sister to school.

I sat around for little bit, or for awhile ... ether or.. then sent a text to see if my buddy was up, and he was. So I went checked on my grandma's place (shes in Wiki) and then next to go get some gas... I thought I better get some money out of the credit union, and in doing that I shouldn't go to lady that I tell I'm trying to save money. So, I went to the lady next to her my aunt. Anyway, I got about 4 something out. thinking about  buying a new computer.

I went and had Lunch with my God brother, and he tells me I might be able to get an little Accer, and gives me a good laugh. So I thought I might just take my money back, so not to be humiliated about my options. Maybe try and save another 16 Hundred dollars, but that would take at least 4-6 weeks, because I like eat! Well I don't know if have enough discipline for that hard task, being I'm only a 17 year old Sag Chip Indian Boy, who is in no way of being S.L.I.K (Spoiled Little Indian Kid). Later he tells tells me off his little brother,  Eddie. So go up to his room, and he starts negotiating with him, what other kid would want 3-4 Hundred dollars for a computer. In the Middle of summer? Anyway the agreement was that i would give him three then, and after getting it fixed I would bring back the rest of the change.

So I took the Infested Computer to Game-go Computers, where they fix thing like this. Meeting with the Owner, who is pretty awesome. Did some Negotiating myself and got it down, 30 bucks, because he knows me. Hell, I even got him to give us an hour free of charge of play on the Xbox, playing the newest of the Call of Duty Game. Nice T.V. and all. Well, My God Brother Got a Job Offer! What For? Just for being himself, work on Saturdays and get free play and get paid! I don't like to say it, but, that's better than standing around all day at the water-park yelling at crazy kids who have crazy parents and cleaning up Poop on the bottom of the pool. Just Kidding, but really, sounds pretty fun.  Or at-least funner than Life guarding, I mean don't get me wrong, I like my Job and all, mostly because of I feel like I'm helping my tribe out on the "front lines" of Costumer Service/Visitor Service. (but really I'm just a lifeguard who could be easily replaced)

Anyway where was I?

O'Yeah (in Old Elder Indian Granny Voice)

We went to Tribal Center where my god brother lifted weights because he's going to the NBA someday, if he wants to. I went to go talk or visit with my mentor, my older Cousin, Dustin Davis, being the busy guy he is, he was talking with somebody about who knows what? So I just had a nice little visit with aunt Shannon Martin of the Miday Lodge, went over the Sundance visit last Friday and some joking about my Job and Poop. Then with my aunt Bush, the vary Successful Lady, I kinda asked/told her she was my manager for my short lived music video career. (ha-ha, didn't get the gig) then it was that time of the day, I didn't get to talk with my mentor but it was okay. It was 4 O'clock or 5 to 4, anyways.

(3:55) The Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council was there to help out with the concession stand, and wow was it hot out. I borrowed my moms Canopy thing for some shade because of how hot it was outside. We had Hamburgers with no cheese, my mom wanted some, but i guess she was SOL, Shit out Luck! (ha ha ha ha). Maybe next time we will have some cheese, sorry mom. Visited with the other youth. talked about kinds of ideas, mostly argued ,ha-ha you know whats funny is that the tribal council probably argues just the same! but over all it was an effective day. My mom even bought me a orange pop-sickle and supported the youth. The youth council made some money and recruited some new youth!

I had left at 6 O'Clock for Game-go Computers, they fixed my new computer for me. I bought it from my cousin, anyway they got all the "Viruses" out of it and instilled some protection.

Long day but now I am ready to write all kinds of Petitions and work for my community more effectively because I have a new computer!

Well its 1:40 in the morning and I can hear my wise grandmother telling me to go to bed! So Goodnight! Pictures to come!