Monday, August 6, 2012

The week before Powwow! Part 1


SEWPH (Soaring Eagle Water Park & Hotel) is Trying out some new operating hours for the month of August. Monday-Thursday the water-park is open from 9-10 & Friday-Sunday from 9-11, staying open for an extra hour each day. This requries lifeguards to stay an extra hour each day after closing. So if we close at 10,  we have an hour of In-service and our shift is done at 11.

With in an hour being at work, we had found out that we were being audited. My shift starts at 4 O'clock. I had no problem with that. In fact, I wanted to be filmed! Then they would see how good I am at watching my water that they would call me a golden guard. Then I would be promoted! But that didn't happen. To my understanding, we did however, exceeded in on our audit. Meaning we did really good! We can say we are pretty darn safe at our facility. SEWPH was represented in a great way that day, we have exceeded in all our two audits from Ellis since we have opened! Overall the day was long, but very rewarding. I ended up just going to bed when I got home.


I had got up an hour before my shift, I still have no gas money and drove my car all day Monday on E. So I attempted to go to work in the powwow van, which was also on E. I drove out down Otto on my way to work when I had seen my grandma had gotten back from "Oh Canada!". I headed to her house and asked for a ride, she ended up giving me a T-shirt too! When I visit with my grandma I try to look as pitiful as possible because then she takes care of me, feeds me, gets me new shoes, and gives me gas money! But.... I was looking sharp for the ladies in my official lifeguard uniform. So I just asked if she could  bring some of the bean soup that was cooking at the stove to work for me. She said yes! So she dropped me off at work. I was having a good time work. I was on the slide rotation, one of the best rotations because it is when your costumer service shines! I like to ask our customers what there favorite color is, favorite food, superhero, superpower, cartoon, animal and sometimes where they are from. In return some will even ask me questions, which make me feel good because they are engaging me in conversation as-well and sometimes they have really good questions that takes time to answer.


Car Bingo, Basket Ball Tournament, and visiting Camp Shawana!

I had road my bike all day because I was saving the little bit of gas being just the poor little Indian Boy I am. I road to Ziibiwing Native Feast's Car Bingo. Help keep score in the score Summer Tribal League Basket Ball Tournament. Visit my family at my grandmas camp at the hill... and that's all I can remember!

I stayed at Kyles, Dropped him off for his tournament, and was going home to go to bed and take a cat nap. Instead as I pealed off my cloths and laid down in my Meeks with the condition on full blast, I was called by Arlan George. He asked if I was at Car Bingo, I said no but I was on my way! So I found the cleanest of my dirty shirts and took off on my Moms red Huffy Women's Bike with white wall tires. I road through the deadly summer heat. I was texting and biking and crashed into nothing on my way to Ziibiwing because of how pro I am at riding old fashion bikes. I Arrived on scene with a bike, biking down the first lane looking for my grandma in her little customized electric green golf cart. Then I see them, my grandma and grandpa with Tina and Mattea on the back all playing for the best prizes... Fancy Can Openers, in all Shapes and Sizes. I ask how they are and then ask my grandma for a dollar, she reaches in her pockets and gives me a dollar! So I go to the concession stand ran by the Immersion School Volunteers. I bough a Pop. I then went on the hunt for Arlan George my buddy with Kids at Play, I asked him what footage we would gather, then we visited and talked. He told me about how the Documentary on the Rez kids was coming, he said great and liked allot of footage I had gathered that day. He gave me the camera so I could get footage, but then corrected my style because I was making the people nervous with my style. It was cool, I learned how to make people more comfortable while being filmed. Then I asked my grandpa Zozep if he had a Dollar, then he looks a little annoyed, which is understandable because it is Bingo we are dealing with! I said thanks and went on to buying a Hot Dog for one Dollar, it was my Breakfast, Lunch and Probably Dinner. I was now happy. The Event Ended with Zozep Winning a can opener and everybody leaving for the hill for hot dogs over the fire for dinner, with Smores' for desert! I left and was supposed to meet up with fer-fer at the hill who had no bike, but is a really good runner.
   On my way to the hill leaving from Ziibiwing, my fans were honking at me because I was riding a girl bike. I Quickly parked the bike at the gym and battle off people who say they like my bike and tell them "it's not my bike" and " Its my moms, I'm just borrowing it" then think that I should really get a new bike for my self. Then I walk in to the gym and ask how it is going... Then get the Job of handling the clock/scorboard and score book, then I can tell how serious the guys are... and quickly ask for somebody else to do the clock and score board. I would just do the score book. The "Free Jory Melancon Team" which included Kyle, Jory, Walter, Henry, and Wayne had destroyed there competitors. They didn't even finish the game, nor the half! They must have been pretty upset because they didn't shake hands at the end.
I then left to my grandma's camp before things got to real! "Just Kidding" I left because I had to meet up with fer fer. I got there and had realized nobody was there except my cousin Fer-Fer, all alone by himself. And NO FOOD! I was pretty hungry being a growing boy, I needed food. I was fully prepared to leave for my house and was on my way when I called my mom, she said they was on there way. So I stayed... But it was worth it in the end. We all gathered around the campfire and had hot dogs for dinner roasted over the fire with sticks from the woods. Both my grandma and mom cooked one for me. But then there was no more bread! but it was cool, because I was full and content. We shared stories on which we each told a part in, almost like a traditional talking circle, but less traditional. It was fun because we don't now where or how the story will end up. My mom ended up giving me some money and I went on a bike ride home running into andawas sprinkler system on the way home trying to get some gas.
BIKING Through The Sprinkler System
    I made it home and got the gas I needed and left for my god brothers to play some Black Opps.

End of Part One.

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