Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Week before Powwow! Part 2

Part 2 Continued...

The Night Before,  Kyle and KJ stay the night at my House "Sleep Over!" (In a little kid voice). We had our usual skinny dipping session, well Kyle leg was hurting so he didn't swim. O yeah, just kidding about the skinny dipping session. Me and KJ did swim for a bit. I relaxed for a bit, and then did my ten laps, and it was tiring. After everyone went to bed. I couldn't sleep... I was Hungry! I went downstairs in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping and looked for something to eat! Nothing, well, we did have canned corn, green beans, but we had only a little bit of milk! Nothing to drink but water. So I looked at my options and found the easiest thing to make instant mash potato's. So I made some, and they were sure good! I gladly went to bed with a full tummy.

SCIT Community Meeting & Relaxing day with NativeFest's Comedy and Music Night

KJ woke up first and took a shower and then I woke up and took my shower washing stink ace. The youth council was going to have a stand at the community meeting. So, KJ and I had to be there early in the morning around 8:30. We made it there signed in with my aunt Bush and went to our stand were our youth group was already there. We all got a promotional bag and when the doors opened up to the public we had our bags and went trick or treating getting all kinds of promotional propaganda and little gifts and Signed up for free drawings on a room at the water-park, gas cards, and gift cards. We visited and took pictures and had a good time. We even found KJ look alike, well KJ just got a hair cut to match our vary own Dustin Davis, my Cousin, (Dustin is a good role model and mentor of mine)

They then asked for everyone to go and have a seat, they reserved seats for us at the front! They had grand entry, pipe ceremony, and then they released each table to eat. I felt funny because we were one of the 1st table to go up and eat. I looked for an elder to go ahead of me, I'm so used to letting my elders eat 1st. So I kept it in mind. We sat down at our fancy table and ate good. constant refills on orange juice, buffet style, Unlimited! I was full on my second plate. Man, the tribe treats us well! I was happy and content. Then we all listened to the chiefs address, then treasures report, and the usual what the tribe is defending us from now! (lol Sorry, But it seams as if the tribal or Indian People as a whole are always being taken advantage of and always will be....)  The tribe is protecting are market, filling lawsuits against our intruding tribal Neighbors who are trying to build a Casino in the State of Michigan Capital city which is in our territory. Lobbyist got up and spoke on the battle then, after it was our turn on the agenda. So the youth council asked me to speak and introduce our self's so I did! I think I did okay, a little nervous with the TV right in frount of you showing whats on the big screen.

But like always, it was a good feeling speaking in-front of my nation or Tribe. They, as you can see in the pictures was happy to see me (all sarcastic) HA-ha-HA.

I went home after where Kyle was still sleeping! So we talked about the day ahead. I took KJ home so he could go to work. Hanged out at Kyles for a bit, he then suggested we ride our bikes so I Dropped off him off at his Dads so he get his brothers bike and then could lift weights at the tribal gym. I invited him to the NativeFest event at Ziibiwing, told him about how they would have free food! So he said he would meet me up there. I dropped off the car at home and left home to the NativeFest event at Ziibiwing. I had meet my Cousin Ronnie there who I haven't seen in a while. My grandma said the prayer for the feast as I guarded the Pie, then they had a moment of silence in honor of Little Carnel. It was vary touching to my heart. Then waited for the elders to eat. Central Michigan Catering was there to serve the people, where I seen a fellow lifeguard there working for CMC, I said HI. Kyle then text me to come find him. So I hoped on my bike and cut him off in the parking lot. We looked at the line and it was still long. So we just went to the Lemonade table and got some drinks. Looking around we saw Jason George, "One who Tells how it is" another role model. We sat on our bikes and he talked about my Job as a lifeguard. We evaluated it, and I find out that My Position could be filled by just about anyone! How I want to do great things for my community, how close I am. How he can see it reflect off me. How my Job is a Job, Its work. How I have all this opportunity. We talked about how I'm doing good things, but how I could improve. I mean, yes its good to work. But I should make more of an investment with my time. I feel as if I'm not going to have much monetary problems, so me working for that money is good, but not needed. Where I could be doing things that my heart and being desires. Like Learning the Anishinabe Mowin, Our Language. My Culture. I could be traveling. Taking classes at the tribal collage instead of taking AP U.S. Gov't which could be learned in Five Minutes online. And So on. In general he said something I didn't quite understand at 1st, "Dave, There will always be a seat in my van to go to Ceder Point" meaning he will support my trip and journey to my "ceder point". So now I ponder this thought... what is my ceder point, all I know is it involves me helping my people. We also talked about my personal barriers in the way of my journey, thoughts on why it is difficult to start this journey. Like "I don't want to leave my community, because I feel if I'm not there, then I have less positive Influence on the people I care about most in my life." (Influence not Control) this my be a phobia because I can do little about this. (sorry for my foul language) Shit going to happen whether I like it or not, I have to learn that it is part of life, and one of the creators gifts... Freewill. With out freewill, life could be pretty darn boring. I didn't know what to think, I couldn't argue, I agreed... I knew this, but it was something I didn't like or want to agree with, lets be honest when it comes to the people I care about, I can be a little stub-urn.
   I shook his hand and left for the food, with a weird feeling. Almost sad, but happy and grateful for learning something new. There was Baked Chicken! So I sat next to my aunt Kelly. Listened to the good live music continuing to think about the conversation I just had.
After the good food and entertainment and good feelings, Kyle and I raced our bikes up at the hill. Little guy passed me and I couldn't catch up, racing all the way down Leaton Rd, I Acted like the Five-O, but couldn't get my suspect, yet make the pretend traffic stop on him. Then on Tomah Rd, I was catching up, the last all out effort gaining on him... Then just around the corner he's pedaling so fast yet going no where.. "Its a trick" I thought to myself. Then I saw it, his chain came lose! I caught him! Now what... we just laughed about it and went on to my grandma's camp. Then met up with Arlan again,we hang out there for a bit. I got some money from my mom, then he got the call. Wet Burritos! Made by Shad himself! So we all booked it back to my place, and Arlan Traded his Skateboard for my cousins bike. Again we raced, or I thought we where racing again I was in 2nd, until we hit Otto Dr. I then gave it my all and took the gold! Then we packed Fer-Fer's bike in the back and took it back to the camp. Then drove to Kyle's for Wet Burritos, Man where they Good! Life was good that day! Then I Crashed at Kyle's.


The Start of Powwow, Kyle Played in the Men's 18 and older Powwow Basket Ball Tournament with an Average of 25 pt.s. His team won the tournament! And Guess what! He Won MVP! Yes, just a 17 year old little Indian boy from the Rez. True Talent, It was cool, and just another sign of what great things his future holds.... "NBA, TEAM USA Olympics... A GREAT TRIBAL YOUTH ROLE MODEL."  Yes yes...

  Then we walked around checking out all the Anishinabe Quay. Finding the best food stands! Visiting with all the people's. I took him to my grandma's stand, Anishinabe Sportswear, told her about how she should sponsor him and support his work, and Guess what! She did. She let him pick out any shirt he wanted. She knew all the little rez kids would want one after they seen him wearing it. She gave him instructions on when people ask where they could get there vary own Anishinabe Sportswear T-shirt. He responded "my aunt Charmaine only 20 bucks" she nodded. Then we walk over to the Public Safety tent and met with a Special Agent from Detroit. He took a Picture of me in FBI gear. I had tried to look as mean and storic as possible. I looked cool and really thought about a career with the FBI... how I could help out Indian Country, and learn valuable things that I could carry into the tribal police department. My dream of fixing the department and making it more community friendly, and friendly in general.

  But then it was Powwow time... and just relaxed and hung out this time.

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